Surfer, photographer, and designer
Mitsuhide Funaki is a multi-talented artist focused on the sea.
The creations he produces from his unique perspective, philosophy,
and thinking are one and only.
What does surfing mean to this genius?
The Whereabouts
of the Soul



突然、「BE HERE, NOW(今ここ)だよ」ノースショアのご自宅で、私に何度もそう言った吉福伸逸さんのお顔が浮かんできた。吉福さんは、1970年代にラム・ダス(Ram Dass)著書の訳者であり、それによって日本の宝島を中心としたカウンターカルチャーのアイコンとなった。彼らは仏法からの理解ではなく、ヒッピー・カルチャーからの産物として、この世とあの世への達観を持っていた。
ラム・ダスの有名な真言に”I am Loving Awareness, I am Loving Awareness.”というものがある。「私は愛の意識である、私は愛を認知している」そう意訳し、愛を世、つまり「この世とあの世」に替えると、私は輝く達観を得た。そう、深く信奉してきた「サーフィング・スタイル」は、愛であり、生きる世とあの世のことであったと帰結するようにこの項を結んでみると、両界曼荼羅図の大日如来が浮かび、そして星空の下にやってくる波に漕ぎ出そうとする自分自身が感じられた。すると、長かったはずのサーフィングの歴史も、時代や覇者も、自身も存在もすべてそこに溶けていった。

The Whereabouts of the Soul
NAKI(Mitsuhdie Funaki) : Photos and Text
In the summer of 2024, I was on the Boso Peninsula. We call the entire surf break near Tamasaki Shrine the Tamasaki Area. The place we call Tamasaki was stretched by the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan) to include the southern part of Kujukuri-hama, an area extending approximately 11 kilometers. From a surfer's point of view, this area mainly receives east swell, and with Cape Taito in the center, there are surf spots scattered throughout the area that can be surfed from northeast to south winds. As mentioned above, the coast faces east, and you can see the sunrise right before you. On the vernal equinox and autumnal equinox, when the ecliptic longitude is 0 degrees, the sunlight (ley lines) passes through Tamasaki Shrine, the top of Mt. Fuji, Chikubushima Shrine, Motoise, and even Izumo Taisha Shrine.
Since the sun is the universe itself, it would only take a moment for the morning sun to reach Izumo no Kuni (the Land of Izumo), west of the Japanese Archipelago, from Boso. Thinking of such a scale at the Japanese level and releasing my consciousness from the earth, I think of the distance from the sun and the light from distant stars. I also feel that grandeur is becoming more familiar because it is proportionate to my age.
I have prayed, but I pray more often these days. I pray for the day, for health, for peace in the world, and for the repose of the souls of those who are gone. I seem to be polytheistic. I pray to the goddess of Tamasaki, Amaterasuomikami. I pray as an image of a shape like a dragon coiling.
I am a Kukai-worshipping Vajrayana. And I believe in karma and chant mantras staring at the Mandala of the Two Realms. I try to receive some suggestions from that. If possible, I could receive Venus as Kukai did at Cape Muroto. There are various theories about Venus. If I believed aliens gave something to Kukai, then I could understand his great achievement.
Idle talk. I saw an image of a tremendous wave on Instagram. It was at Nazare in Portugal. The picture was a surfer standing on his board in front of a 20-meter-high foam wave, trying to sink deeper under it. Twenty meters is the equivalent of a six-story apartment building, and it showed the state of a surfer's mind calmly facing the hopelessness of being sunk under such a wave. It was like the Buddhist enlightenment I wrote about at the beginning of this article.

Surfing has phases. The two main categories are before and after Duke Kahanamoku. Soon after, Greg Noll began the big wave surf. Nat Young is documented in Modern Surfing, and David Nuuhiwa became a surf icon when he overlapped with hippie culture. Soon it became a twin-fin movement led by Gerry Lopez and Mark Richards with minimalism and Zen. Then came Tom Curren, who carried the origins of Lopez and Duke. Then, Kelly Slater became the symbol of the Momentum generation by performing aerial tricks. Now it’s in the phase of JJF (John John Florence).
Just an aside, I am in the middle of Tom Curren's generation. In the 1980s, I had an exclusive live video of Tom Curren's surfing filmed by Mr. Kito, which I used as a vivid teaching tool as I worked on my discipline. And I learned that modern surfing was all about carving without slowing down. Furthermore, the carving must have connected turn to turn, and anything unnecessary must have been eliminated. Curren's finishing pullout (kickout) was perfect, and the shape of paddling and holding his board was beautiful. Also, he usually had no leash, which looked like a gorgeous pictorial illusion.
The followers trying to master the essence of the Wave Riding Method still revere this Curren’s teachings.

The ASP, the competition organization that made Tom Curren known to the world, has become the WSL, and I watched the event to determine this year's World Champion on the live broadcast. I lost interest in surfing competitions about 30 years ago. The main reason is to keep me from winning and losing, agreeing with the theory that "There is no winning or losing in surfing" that Donavon (Frankenreiter) taught me. The other reason was that the competition hurt my heart. But, it was a chance to see live surfing today that expressed the times, and also I watched the event because it was held at Lowes, where I surfed every day 20 years ago.
Italo Ferreira, who performed the finest aerials of the next generation of Momentum style made it to the final. He does not follow Tom Curren’s carving. He competed with John John Florence, who is of Tom Curren’s lineage, at the final match. Florence laid down the highest single-wave score in WSL Finals and got the three world title champion. The media in many countries reported that Italo's innovative turn was not gladly received. I believe the judges who presided over the scoring took into account the world champion's style. In other words, Italo, who started his board without kick out, ignored the section and claimed technique, seemed to lack the dignity of the crown.
In the last decade or so, in competition surfing, Brazilians explored techniques that defied style and turned heads, winning gold medals at the first Olympics.
Unlike other competitions, surfing is said not to be scored on kick-outs or style. That may be another reason why I stopped watching matches. I felt that Italo neither made the era nor could become a world champion. I was impressed that Tom Curren's genealogy was continued by John John Florence.

What Kukai consistently taught us was that one should be aware of the next world, not this world. I understand that neither dignity, honor, age, nor history can be taken to the next world.
Suddenly, the face of Mr. Shinichi Yoshifuku came to mind as he repeatedly told me at his home on the North Shore, “BE HERE, NOW." Mr. Yoshifuku was the person who translated books written by Ram Dass in the 1970s. This made him an icon of the counterculture represented by the Japanese magazine Takarajima. They had a mastery of this world and the next, not as an understanding from Buddhism, but as a product of hippie culture.
The famous mantra of Ram Dass is “I am loving awareness, I am loving awareness.” When I freely translated this sentence to “I am the consciousness of love, I recognize love,” and I substituted love for the world, which means this world and the next world, I have gained a shining mastery of the world. In conclusion, the surfing style I have deeply espoused is love and the living world and the next world. The Dainichi Buddha of the Mandala of the Two Realms came to my mind, and I felt myself trying to paddle out into the waves under the starry sky. Surfing's history, which must be long, times and champions, myself and my existence, all melted into it.

Former professional surfer, photographer, writer, and graphic designer. Producing works in Japan, Kauai, and Southern California.