• 山と日々のこと Mountains and Everyday Life
    I walk through the mountains, feeling the crisp silence with my whole body.
    No matter how hard I listen, there are sounds that I cannot hear.
    So, I accept the scenery of myself reflected in the projector
    with all my senses through the camera.
    There is a quiet and peaceful world out there.




      21歳のとき、初めて富士山に登ってから、山登りが趣味になった。ひとりで、または家族と、のちに夫と、かれこれ10年以上続けている。早起きも電車も歩くことも嫌いだったのに、山に行くとなれば苦もなくできるから不思議なものである。高い山でも低い山でも、近くの山でも遠くの山でもいい。高尾山や鎌倉ののんびりとした日帰りも、テントを担いでの北アルプス縦走も好きだ。コーヒーと甘いものは必需品! それと少し調子が悪くなってきたカメラを持って、自己流の撮り方で、山を歩く。

    日光白根山 雲の間から弥陀ヶ池

      私は生まれつき耳がきこえにくい。“ふつう” の人の “はんぶん” くらいの聴力で、人の話が虫食いのようにところどころ塗りつぶされてきこえるような感じ。何とも説明のしにくい聴力であるが、とにもかくにも聴覚障害は音声情報の制限、人とのかかわりを阻む壁であることは間違いない。知らないことも分からないこともたくさんあるし、できないことや不便なことはいくらでも並べられる。山でもそうだ。そよ風に揺れる木の葉のささやき、森のいきものたちの声や足音、山小屋のおしゃべり、どんなに耳を澄ませても私にはきこえない音がある。

    八方池 水面に映る真っ白な世界

     夫は山で、不思議な形をした木や、いきものを発見するのが得意だ。ひとりで歩くときには見えなかったものに気づかせてくれる。同じ場所へ行って同じ風景の中を歩いていても、見ているものも感じることも人によってぜんぜんちがうのだから面白い。それはその人の個性や興味によるかもしれないし、考え方によるかもしれないし、そのときどきの感情にもよるかもしれない。写真には、その人の見たもの感じたこと、内面が映し出されるものだと、私は思う。カメラという物質を構えてはいるけれど、まるで自分が、自分自体が映写機のよう。山を歩いて登って、興味や考え方や感情のレンズを通して見つめた風景が、この目に映る。私という映写機が切りとった、人生でたった一度きりの瞬間である。何を見て何を感じるかは自分次第だ。どんなレンズをつけてそこに何を映すかは自分次第なのだ。私には、何が映っているだろう? 何を映したい?

    弓折乗越 雨のチングルマ


    唐松岳 日の出に染まる雲海


    沼津アルプス 春


    双六岳 夏の記憶



    Mountains and Everyday Life

    natsu : Photos and Text

    I climbed Mt. Fuji when I was 21 years old for the first time. Since then, mountain hiking has become my hobby. I have been hiking it for more than ten years, either alone, with my family, or later with my husband. I usually hate to get up early, take the train, and walk. But when it came to going to the mountains, I could do them all easily. I don't care if it is a high or low mountain, near or far. I like to go on leisurely day trips to Mt. Takao and Kamakura. And I also like traversing the Northern Alps with a tent. Coffee and sweet treats are a must! I also take my camera, which is getting a little out of shape, and walk in the mountains, taking photos on my way.
    Looking back at the photos I have taken, I recall the scenery and fresh air that surrounded me, the small talk with companions, and even the feelings of contentment I had at that time. For me, mountain climbing is not a leisure activity or an adventure but a peaceful moment. Maybe it's as close to meditation as you can get.

    Mt. Nikko Shirane; Midagaike Pond through the clouds.

    I was born hard of hearing. My hearing is about half that of a "normal" person. When people are talking, I can only catch them in places. It's like a piece of clothing with some moth holes in it. It is difficult to explain, but there is no doubt that hearing impairment is a limitation of audio information and a barrier that prevents people from interacting with each other. There are many things I don't know, many things I don't understand, and many things I can't do and inconveniences I can list. The same thing happens in the mountains. The whispers of leaves rustling in the breeze, the voices and footsteps of forest creatures, the chatter of the hut, no matter how carefully I listen, there are sounds I cannot hear.
    I am sure that everyone has (or had) such a situation. I am not extremely bad, the worst, but just half-baked. Everyone has time to think, “I am vague and half-baked.” We are concerned about what we lack and how we look to others. So, we sometimes dress up, pretend, or do things everyone else does to appear normal somehow. Still, we sometimes blame our inability to be the same and are even more tempted to blame it on someone or something else. We may be looking for the right or wrong answer on the outside and sticking to what we think we should be without any consciousness. However, if we keep protecting only the surface with false and spiky armor, we will gradually drift away from our natural selves.

    Happo Pond; A pure white world reflected on the surface of the water.

    My husband is very good at discovering strange-shaped trees and other living things in the mountains. He makes me notice things that I could not see when I walk alone. It is interesting to know that even if you go to the same place and walk through the same scenery, what you see and feel is very different from person to person. It may depend on the person's personality and interests, it may depend on the way they think, and it may depend on their emotions at the time.
    I believe that a photograph reflects what a person sees and feels inside.
    Although I am holding a camera to the subject, I feel as if I were a projector. I walk up the mountain and see the landscape through the lens of my interests, ideas, and emotions. A once-in-a-lifetime moment captured by a projector. The projector is me. What I want to see and feel is all up to me. What lens I put on my camera and what I shoot with it is all up to me! What am I projecting? What do I want to project?

    Yumiori Nokkoshi; Geum pentapetalum in the rain.

    If we were to look at what we don't have, this world must look that way to the eye, and we would keep losing it. It would be such a waste. Then, it is you who should face it. Let us change our angle of view and see what is there. My mountain hiking is quiet and peaceful because I can't hear. Even the memory of a heavy rainfall sounds mellow. So, when I look back at the photos, I can recall the calm feeling. Let's walk in the mountains, feeling this clear and serenity with our whole body.
    If you are a mountain hiker, you have probably thought," It would have been more beautiful if the weather had been clear." Or, "I missed it this time. I need to try again!" I had thought the same way. I thought, "If I go to the mountains, the best day should be a blue-sky day with no cloud in sight." But as I was walking along the forest trail in the pouring rain, I realized something. Or rather, I was made aware of it. Rain is not a symbol of bad luck and depression. Clouds are not an obstacle that hides the ridgelines of the mountains I wanted to see.
    There is no difference in a blue, a rainy, or a cloudy sky; there is no good or bad. Rain can make the grass, trees, and flowers sparkle, and clouds can paint pictures in the sky so freely. Nature is always as it is. Everything is just as it is. Everything is in harmony in the present moment, and it is fabulous. We tend to worry about the future or regret the past, but we must remember to keep our feet on the ground. We should keep taking one step at a time. Also, we should notice a little flower blooming right under our feet. Destinations aren't the only fun things to see. The day will come only once.

    Mt. Karamatsudake; Sea of clouds at sunrise.

    Nature teaches us that there is no right or wrong answer and that every moment is beautiful just as it is. It is the same for us. Whatever you are is precious. Even the past you struggled and fumbled with is remarkable. Even if you are vague and half-baked, that is who you are in your natural state. There is no need to be proud of yourself or despise yourself. Let us look at what is already here and be grateful for the happiness of the present that will never return.
    We can learn from the mountains and nature, and in this way, we can return to our natural state.
    Because no two moments are the same, I want to receive the scenery captured on me, the projector, with my whole body and remember it fondly for a long time.

    Numazu Alps; Spring,

    After a while, since I started climbing mountains, I realized that nature is abundant even in the city where I live. The sunrise I see every day is the same as the sunrise I see in the mountains. I found out that I was only looking at what wasn't there. However, everything is there. If I find a favorite street tree and observe its daily changes, buy a flower and decorate it, or look at the moon, my days will be peaceful.

    Mt. Sugorokudake; Memory in Summer.

    Born in Kanagawa Prefecture. She climbed Mt. Fuji when she was a college student. Since then, she has fallen in love with mountain climbing. She posts her photos of mountain scenery on Instagram and creates zines. She was born with moderate hearing loss and has difficulty hearing. After working as a teacher at a school for hearing-impaired children, changing jobs, and having a baby, she is now raising her child.  Instagram:natsu__yama__note

  • The Day ザ・デイ
    A photograph that can only be taken when you are there that day
    A picture that can finally be taken after years and hundreds of visits
    That is the snowy mountains. The snow, of course,
    but the weather and wind, the hearts of photographers and riders,
    all unite to create a work of art that will last forever.
    We look back on such a memorial day with the photographer’s memoir.

    The Day



      2008年11月25日、我々は立山連峰の雷鳥沢テント場のテントの中で吹雪停滞していた。 時々テントから出て吹雪で埋まりかけたテントの掘り出し作業、でもこの作業も今夜まで。天気図によると夜半からの移動性高気圧の張り出しで天候回復の予想。浅い眠りの中4時過ぎに目が覚めてテントから顔を出して空を見上げたら寝る前の吹雪がウソのような満天の星。「うわー!」。ライダー全員が一言叫んだら、後ははやる気持ちを抑えつつ黙々と準備や簡単な朝食を済ませてヘッドランプを点灯しての歩き出し。

















    写真家。日本屈指のスキーカメラマン。オリンピック選手を始めトップスキーヤーからの信頼もあつく、国内外で多くの雪山セッションをこなす。またサーフィンなどのオーシャンスポーツもフィーチャーし、季節とフィールドを超えてボーダーレスに活躍している。 hiroshisuganuma.jp

    Suganuma Hiroshi

    The Day

    Suganuma Hiroshi : Photographs and text

    On November 25, 2008, we were stuck in our tents because of a snowstorm at Raichozawa tent site in the Tateyama mountain range. We sometimes got out of our tents to dig out the tents almost buried by the snowstorm. But this work would end tonight. Weather maps indicated the weather was supposed to improve as a migratory high-pressure system moved in from midnight. I woke up around 4:00 a.m. in a light sleep and peeked out of the tent. When I looked up, I saw a star-spangled sky. I could hardly believe there was a snowstorm before we fell asleep. “Wow!” We all shouted with joy. Controlling our eagerness, we silently prepared for departure and had a light breakfast. Then we turned on our headlamps and started walking.

    Waiting patiently in the skin-breaking cold for a little lighter to shine on the slope. Telemarker : Ueno Takemitsu

    We had already discussed where to go if it cleared up while stuck in due to snowstorm. There was quite a bit of snow on the ground, so we repeated more snow safety checks before heading out on our hike. At dawn, the sky in the distance turned pale blue and white, and you could see around the sky over the distant Toyama Bay. The clouds were staying lower than we were. We could feel the sensation of great work echoing through our bodies as we hiked.

    Sliding through at high speed as if unleashed. Telemarker : Ueno Takemitsu

    Tateyama in November, also known as Akitate, has become a favorite area for all skiers and snowboarders. Tateyama mountain range in the northern part of the Northern Alps, stretching into Nagano and Toyama prefectures; you can access Murodo, the highest point at 2,450 meters above sea level, from either the Nagano or Toyama side by bus, cable car, or ropeway. The 3000-meter-high Tateyama mountain range is right in front of you, and from there, with the proper hiking and riding skills, you can ski the fresh November snow anywhere in the area. On November 30, buses, cable cars, and other transportation systems close for the winter season, and the area opens again in mid-April. The fact that the area is closed during the long and harsh winter months makes it seem even more attractive to skiers.

    A big spray of freshly fallen snow. Skier : Kodama Takeshi

    During the last week of November, the lodges were already closed, so we had to choose either the Hotel Tateyama in Murodo or stay in tents for the night. We chose to stay in tents because it was easier to move around for the shoot (budget issues had a lot to do with it). We expected tent stagnation due to the inclement weather, and because it was a tent, we could move smoothly from early morning.

    Relaxing Lunch.

    The first shot was taken with the morning glow in the background, just as the blue-white sky was opening up and gradually turning pink. I used the walkie-talkie to give instructions on the line to slide and then worked on confirming it. The riders showed me quite aggressive riding as if they explored with the energy they stored inside their bodies. It was the start of a great day.

    Hike up for afternoon light.

    The only way for riders and photographers to get around in the mountains is to put on skis with hill climbing equipment and climb or ski. So we could concentrate on every ride and be surrounded by a comfortable atmosphere. I love this feeling of the atmosphere. Since we started early in the morning, when I looked at the clock after quite a bit of shooting, it was still before 11:00 a.m. The sun was getting higher, so we decided to return to the tent for lunch and a rest. We spent some relaxing time to heal our excitement and pleasant exhaustion from the shooting in the morning. But everyone was confident that we would get a great sunset shot.

    Light and shadow, the benefits of solar lighting. Skier : Sasaki Daisuke

    After we reset ourselves, we set out for an afternoon of action. Considering where the sun was, we headed for a slope facing a different direction from the one in the morning. It was unbelievably hard to carry heavy photographic equipment on my back and work with aggressive riders. But the moment I pressed the shutter release button, this painful feeling blew away, and my mind was already on to the next shot.

    Slip and climb routine. Skier : Sasaki Daisuke

    The morning and afternoon tilted sun was the best light, and we moved to match its lighting. I calculated the position of the sun and the way the spray would rise and released the shutter. The perfect tune with the riders created a work of art. And the day ended with a gorgeous sunset shot. As soon as I finished the shot, my loud voice "Okay!” echoed through the mountains.
    We skied down the dimly lit slope with headlamps after the sunset. By the time we reached the tent, it was already dark. But it was warm inside, holding the sun's heat.

    Shots with sun position, spray, and shadows calculated

    My house(tent) was warm when I arrived there.

    Profile: Suganuma Hiroshi
    Photographer. One of the best ski photographers in Japan. He is trusted by top skiers, including Olympic athletes, and has done many snow mountain sessions in Japan and abroad. He also features ocean sports, such as surfing, and is active without borders, transcending seasons and fields. hiroshisuganuma.jp