As digital transformation continually reshape businesses and residential areas around the world, demands for flawless connectivity and massive info processing, transmission and storage continue to go up. To satisfy these types of needs, contemporary communication and data safe-keeping platforms must marry high end with low electric power consumption and a compact impact.

File Storage

Commonly known as network-attached storage (NAS) or a neighborhood location network (LAN), this type of data storage stores information on hard drives that are attached to a single computer. It’s easy to use and inexpensive yet offers limited scalability.

SAN Storage

Also called network-attached storage (NAS) with Dietary fibre Channel, this type of info storage uses a private network to connect safe-keeping devices and servers to computers. SAN storage is somewhat more expensive than NAS and requires more experience to setup, but it presents greater scalability with multiple device alternatives and configurations to choose from.

Thing Storage

As opposed to file storage area, which retailers data while files having a hierarchy of folders and subfolders, target storage separates information into distinct items that have specific identifiers and metadata. This safe-keeping method makes it easier to find everything you require and works best for existing APIs.

Cloud Storage space
