“Let’s go to Chile!”
What my best friend said made us start a trip to South America.
From Japan, where life is hard and suffocating,
we went to an unknown place.
Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina…
The photographer looks back on the trip
and describes one of the scenes from the trip.
Kano Megumi




「ワンワンワン! ワンワンワン! ガルルルル」

Kano Megumi
“590 kilobytes” photographs of Chile
Kano Megumi : Text and Photos
In February 2017, the trip to South America with Maria was about to end. Maria and I had been traveling since September 2016. After traveling through Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina, we returned to Santiago. A migrant worker we met on our journey told us, "When you come to Viña del Mar (in Chile), you can stay at my house!” So, we decided to go to Viña del Mar after a brief stay in Santiago.

Beaches of Viña del Mar. South America was right in the middle of summer in February.
Perhaps you have heard of the city of Valparaiso. It is a tourist attraction famous for its colorful streets. The seaside town adjoins that city is Viña del Mar. The town was reasonably developed, and the streets created a warm atmosphere. The place was a very cozy town. And we met that guy's family.

Along the road where the guy's family lives.
Staying at the home of someone we have never met before. We might be involved in crime! Did we worry about it? No, we didn’t. We were young, vulnerable, and reckless in our twenties. We were also completely fascinated by the charms of South America. Of course, there were many unpleasant surprises during our journey. Somebody stole our possessions, our long-distance bus reservation was double-booked, so we missed it. Since we were not allowed to use the restroom on another long-distance bus, I secretly peed in a plastic bag on my seat. Still, the Latin groove of South America suited us perfectly. For some reason, we were almost convinced to trust the guy and his family we had never met.
As it turned out, it was the right thing to do. From the moment we met his family, his wife and two daughters, they welcomed us as family. It was a miraculous encounter during this journey to South America. We met him at an inn in Calama, a city in the desert in Chile, and went to a city by the sea where his family lived and stayed for a few nights. It was an unplanned trip, which is probably why the miracle happened.
In his house, there was a free-spirited cat and a dog that was always running around the house at a furious speed. It was a picturesque and lovely environment. However, according to Maria’s report about his family (I didn’t speak Spanish at that time), his wife was taking medication for mental health care. Even for people who are lively and cheerful in a Latin country, a surprisingly large number of them take medication. I could not learn the reality by only walking down the street and cheerfully greeting them with “Hola!” I also realized that his elder daughter was NEET. The same kind of problems are occurring in every country. Despite such a situation, they did not forget to cook, go shopping, walk around the city, and try to enjoy their lives. Instead of becoming pessimistic and withdrawing as they do in Japan, they take everything positively and try to live life to the fullest.

Maria wrapped in a blanket using her phone, and a cat on the bed with its own face.
Delicious food cooked by his wife, walking around town with his elder daughter, talking with his younger daughter after she came home from high school, and interacting with his dog and cat... These were just small things, but we had a lot of fun and spent every day with smiles. The flow of time and atmosphere were different from those in Japan. Even without speaking Spanish or using a camera, we could communicate with each other with a smile. It was probably the only time that I could spend such a relaxing time in a stranger's home.

Maria and the guy’s elder daughter help with the cooking.
Once, I got lost (my smartphone was not connected to the Internet) when I went shopping alone. I walked down a street I had never seen for a long time and became uneasy, wondering if I would ever get home. I tried to be back to the road I knew from memory, but I wandered into a residential area I didn't know. I didn’t meet anybody there, but I saw many dogs. Some dogs were inside the gates, others were lying on the street, and all were barking furiously at me.
Woof-woof, bow-wow, grrrrr
On my previous trip in South America, dogs had been friendly and smiling, but the dogs there were hostile toward me. I was terrified that they were about to attack me, and I moved back so as not to provoke them. It was about the second time I had been scared to death in South America (the first time was when I recklessly climbed a snow-covered mountain in Chile for the first time in my life). After such a terrifying experience, I managed to make it home on my own before dark. The guy’s elder daughter, who had been worried about me, scolded me mildly, "Megumi, you must not go out alone anymore!” Although I was older than her, I was as good as younger than her because I was a stranger that didn’t know anything in that country. I answered, "Si...... (yes)." honestly.
As we were spending such a fulfilling day that even the little events of daily life seemed important, time flew by in a flash, and finally it was the last day in Viña del Mar. His younger daughter took us to the bus stop to catch the bus to Santiago. Even though she was still in high school, she welcomed us from a foreign country and saw us off with open arms. It was hard to believe she was at least five years younger than me. Although we stayed there only for four days, we felt we had spent much longer with that family. By all accounts, it was an intense four days.
During the trip after that, the hard drive storing the photos was unfortunately partially damaged. So, some of the photos in Viña del Mar were gone, and some restored data was much smaller. The photos in this issue are bigger versions of a tiny 590KB (kilobytes) data set. Some details of data may have been gone. But when I see the photos, I still can remember the place well. It was probably because of the family we met there that left a strong impression on my heart.

His elder daughter, Maria, and I dropped in the department store while strolling the street.
Time flies, summer of 2022. The guy’s younger daughter, a high school student when we first met her, has already graduated from the university. I learned about it through a Facebook post. “Congratulations!” “Thank you!” We exchanged short words with each other. Soon, I received a message from his elder daughter, "Hi, Megumi. Do you speak Spanish now?" I realized that five years had already passed since then. Chile and Japan are on opposite sides of the globe, but time is equal. People are moving forward. I wonder if that family is still living in that house. I wonder if the father has come back from his migrant work. Is his wife doing well? What are his elder and younger daughters doing? I have many questions, but I would like to save them for the next time I visit Chile.
Profile: Megumi Kano
Photographer, born in Gunma, Japan, in 1992. After dropping out of Tsuda College in two years, she enrolled in and graduated from Business Breakthrough University. She started photography as a hobby at the end of 2014, and after completing a two-person trip to South America in 2017, she went into photography. The Kiyosato Photo Art Museum houses her works. She is seeking self-expression with a focus on snaps and self-portraits.