Surfers who pursue their style distance themselves
from competitions and the media
We call them Soul Surfers with respect.
Cody Simpkins from San Onofre,
California is one of them.
What kind of surfer is he who even professional surfers admire?
Photographer Pero tells how he met him.
その凄さは、何とは明確に書きあらわせずとも、彼のライディングを一度観れば、わぉ! こんなふうに乗っちゃうの! あぁ! こんな風になりたいと一瞬でも観る人に夢を与えるということは間違いなく伝えられる。

初めての出逢いからさらに数年後、消防士となって少し波乗りからは離れていたがGATO HEROIの自身のシグネイチャーボードで相変わらず切れ味の鋭いライディングを魅せていた
それはまるで、ブルース・リー氏の"Don't think! Feel."を体現し解脱の域あった。
1990年代後半日本でシングルフィンロングボードに魅せられていた僕は、時間と体力がある限り波乗り三昧の日々を過ごしていた。お金はそれほどなくても、波と仲間とお酒があればそれはそれは十分すぎるくらい楽しかった。数年をそのような環境で過ごしていたが写真家としても生きるべく何か恒久的なモチーフを探し求めていた僕は、大貫妙子の『都会』の歌詞にあるかのごとく「その日暮らしはやめて」の歌詞かのような生活から変化をもたらせねばと、波乗りもできるし、旅の道中で写真の作品撮影もできるからいう、まえのめりな理由をこじつけ、なけなしのお金を全てつぎ込んで仲間2人が行く旅にまぜてもらい、ロングボード本場のアメリカに行くことにした。 カリフォルニアに到着した僕たちは、ロングボードの聖地である、マリブ、サンオノフレ、サンディエゴの中のサンオノフレのビーチにまずは行くことにした、これが僕の写真人生に大きなうねりをもたらした。

サンオノフレフレのビーチは眩しかった! 皆が愉しそうに話し、くつろいでる様は、平日なのにお祭りの縁日に来ているようだった。ビーチにレンタカーを停めるや否や仲間2人は波を求め海へと、僕はカメラにフィルムを装填し波乗りではなく、撮影を始めた。出国前に、最初は波乗りでなく写真撮影からするとは決めて他とはいえ、ビーチにいる人々のあまりにも極楽満喫感に、浮き足立つ心を抑えようとしたのか、極楽浄土気分の空気感を写真に残したかったのだろうか、いや、映画『BIG WEDNESDAY』のような世界に飛び込んだ自分が運が良すぎ、バチが当たるのが怖かったのであろう、準備のできた僕はレンズを海へと向けた。そして数分と経たずに、とびきり切れ味の鋭い波乗りを魅せてくれた3人組のロングボーダー達に出会った。そのポイントのセットの波を見事に乗り尽くしていた彼らは明らかに目立っていた。彼等ばかりをいつの間にか撮影していた僕は『マイアミ・バイス』、『あぶない刑事』いや『噂の刑事トミーとマツ』世代としてコンビになれていたが3人という流れは、『ルパン三世』のルパン、次元、五ェ門の最強トリオに出会えたぢゃん、いや『ビッグ・ウェンズデー』のマット、リロイ、ジャックか! と呟いていた。
数時間が経ちその3人達も波乗りを終えて浜辺へと戻ってきた。Nikon FE-2のボディにNikkor50-300mmレンズにx2のテレコンバーターを装着した見た目にも目立つ装備(フルマニュアルでその当時の最新ではない昔ながらの装備)でいたことも運が良かったのか、その中の1人が僕のところへ近づいてきて「日本から来たの?」と話しかけてきた、僕は拙い英語で「はい、3人で来ました」と、彼は僕のカメラを観てニヤリ"Classic!"と笑いながら、「後ろの小屋の横に留めているバンにいるから、仲間が戻ってきたら遊びに来いよ」と声をかけてくれた。まさかそのサーファーがコーディ・シンプキンスだったことと漠然と思い描いていたモチーフが朧げながらカタチとして見え始めたことに気づいたのは、そのさらに数年後、ロビン・キーガルに出逢いセッションを重ねていた中であった。海から上がってきた二人に事の成り行きを話し、挨拶前に二人はビールを買いに。残った僕は意を決して80mm、f1.4のレンズを装備し、くつろいでいる彼等の元へカメラを構え歩いて行った。

それからさらに数年後、サンオノフレでの再会。Yellow RatのKIO氏に「君を崇拝してるらしいよ」とでも話してもらっているであろうかのショット
写真家。湘南・鵠沼生まれ。ロビン・キーガルを始め、国内外のサーファーと旅をして写真に収めることをライフワークとしている。サーファーのライディングはもちろん、独自の視点で撮影するライフスタイルシーンやポートレートにも定評がある。OFF SEASONのウェブサイトにて、作品の注文も可能
Text & Photos: Pero
In the early 2000s, there was an unusual surfer. The man is, unbeknownst to many, Cody Simpkins from Carlsbad, California. He had a great influence on Alex Nost, who is a surfer admired by everyone. Also, he did on Robin Keegal, a once-in-a-decade genius shaper who revived the 60's pegboard and continues to lead the evolution of the current longboard form.
His awesomeness is immediately apparent once you see him on a surfboard, even if I don't write about it. Wow, what a surf he does! Oh, I want to surf like him! I can tell you that his surfing gives viewers a dream, even if only for a moment.
The swell created by the wind and the movement of the seawater that has traveled hundreds of kilometers can lead the particular waves. Those waves that fascinate at the last moment are an instant beauty created by nature.

A few more years after our first encounter, he became a firefighter and took a short break from surfing, but he was still riding his signature GATO HEROI board with the same sharpness ever.
He is a unique expressionist who can cut through the waves freely with a light touch of classical moves at his speed. He made the board sprint beautifully and did skillful footwork without killing the speed. It was as if the wave, the board, and he were a trinity instinctively following his heart than surfing that he took the waves into account. He wasn't thinking and adjusting to each wave and board. He was adjusting his body to the moment he felt it. Over the decades, he has learned the different quirks of each wave point and the accumulation of trial and error on the board. It allowed him to the perfect moves he could make on the wave. He embodies it and liberates it.
It was as if he embodied Bruce Lee's Don't think! Feel! and he reached the point of liberation
At any rate, his riding on the board was a bit bizarre, beautiful, fast, and free. Unlike the intensity of riding on the waves, he is a calm gentleman with a good vibe on land. I was also attracted to that aspect of him. Of course, he had an extremely beautiful girl with him. In Japan in the late 1990s, I was fascinated by single-fin longboards and spent days for surfing as long as I had time and energy. Even though I didn't have much money, the waves, friends, and drinks were more than enough to keep me going. I had spent several years in such an environment. Also, I was looking for a permanent motif for my life as a photographer.
Like the lyrics of the Japanese pop song TOKAI by Taeko Onuki, I thought I should change my way of life from living hand to mouth. So, I decided to join a trip that two of my friends were going on to the United States, the home of longboards, with all the money I could spare.
I made the far-fetched excuses that I could surf and take photographs on the journey.

Opening ceremony of Robin Kegel's first completed shape room. Cody is in the middle of the circle of people. Dana Point, 2005
When we arrived in California, we decided to go first to the longboarding mecca, Malibu, and the beaches of San Onofre in San Diego. It led to a change in my photographic life.
The beach at San Onofre was dazzling! Everyone seemed to be having a good time, chatting and relaxing, as if they were at a fair, even though it was a weekday. As soon as we parked the car on the beach, my two friends headed out to the ocean to surf while I loaded my camera with film and started shooting instead of surfing. Before leaving Japan, I decided to start with photography, not surfing. But the people on the beach seemed to be enjoying themselves so much that I wondered if I was only trying to keep my mind from getting carried away or if I wanted to capture the atmosphere of paradise in my pictures. I guessed I was too lucky to have jumped into a world like the movie BIG WEDNESDAY, and I was afraid of paying for that! So, I turned my lens to the sea. Within a few minutes, I met a group of three longboarders who showed me some of the sharpest surfing I had ever seen! They stood out as they surfed the set waves of the point perfectly. I was shooting only them without my noticing. I was familiar with the best partners of popular TV programs such as Miami Vice, Abunai Deka, and Tommy and Matsu, but it was rare to meet the best trio. I murmured unconsciously, “Oh, they’re like Lupin, Jigen, and Goemon of Lupin the Third, or Matt, Leroy, and Jack of Big Wednesday!”
After a few hours, they came back to the beach after surfing. Perhaps it was my luck that I had a Nikon FE-2 body with Nikkor 50-300mm lens and x2 teleconverter (full manual, not the latest at that time, old-fashioned equipment). Then one of them approached me and asked, " Are you from Japan?” I said in poor English, "Yes, three of us.” He looked at my camera, grinned, and said, "Classic!” He said, " We're in a van parked next to the shed behind us. Come and visit us when your buddies come back." I had no idea that the surfer was Cody Simpkins then. However, I noticed that the motifs I had vaguely envisioned began to look somehow concrete. I recalled it during a series of sessions with Robin Keegal a few years later. I told my friends what happened. They went to buy beer before saying hello to the surfers. I decided to walk over to them with my 80mm f/1.4 lens camera as they were relaxing.

And a few more years later, we met again in San Onofre with Mr. KIO of Yellow Rat, who may have said, "I hear he worships you.
Photographer. Born in Kugenuma, Shonan. His life work is to travel and photograph surfers in Japan and abroad, including Robin Kegel. He is known for his surfers' riding, lifestyle scenes, and portraits taken from his unique perspective. You can order his works at OFF SEASON web site.