A photograph that can only be taken when you are there that day
A picture that can finally be taken after years and hundreds of visits
That is the snowy mountains. The snow, of course,
but the weather and wind, the hearts of photographers and riders,
all unite to create a work of art that will last forever.
We look back on such a memorial day with the photographer’s memoir.
The Day
2008年11月25日、我々は立山連峰の雷鳥沢テント場のテントの中で吹雪停滞していた。 時々テントから出て吹雪で埋まりかけたテントの掘り出し作業、でもこの作業も今夜まで。天気図によると夜半からの移動性高気圧の張り出しで天候回復の予想。浅い眠りの中4時過ぎに目が覚めてテントから顔を出して空を見上げたら寝る前の吹雪がウソのような満天の星。「うわー!」。ライダー全員が一言叫んだら、後ははやる気持ちを抑えつつ黙々と準備や簡単な朝食を済ませてヘッドランプを点灯しての歩き出し。









写真家。日本屈指のスキーカメラマン。オリンピック選手を始めトップスキーヤーからの信頼もあつく、国内外で多くの雪山セッションをこなす。またサーフィンなどのオーシャンスポーツもフィーチャーし、季節とフィールドを超えてボーダーレスに活躍している。 hiroshisuganuma.jp
Suganuma Hiroshi
The Day
Suganuma Hiroshi : Photographs and text
On November 25, 2008, we were stuck in our tents because of a snowstorm at Raichozawa tent site in the Tateyama mountain range. We sometimes got out of our tents to dig out the tents almost buried by the snowstorm. But this work would end tonight. Weather maps indicated the weather was supposed to improve as a migratory high-pressure system moved in from midnight. I woke up around 4:00 a.m. in a light sleep and peeked out of the tent. When I looked up, I saw a star-spangled sky. I could hardly believe there was a snowstorm before we fell asleep. “Wow!” We all shouted with joy. Controlling our eagerness, we silently prepared for departure and had a light breakfast. Then we turned on our headlamps and started walking.

Waiting patiently in the skin-breaking cold for a little lighter to shine on the slope. Telemarker : Ueno Takemitsu
We had already discussed where to go if it cleared up while stuck in due to snowstorm. There was quite a bit of snow on the ground, so we repeated more snow safety checks before heading out on our hike. At dawn, the sky in the distance turned pale blue and white, and you could see around the sky over the distant Toyama Bay. The clouds were staying lower than we were. We could feel the sensation of great work echoing through our bodies as we hiked.

Sliding through at high speed as if unleashed. Telemarker : Ueno Takemitsu
Tateyama in November, also known as Akitate, has become a favorite area for all skiers and snowboarders. Tateyama mountain range in the northern part of the Northern Alps, stretching into Nagano and Toyama prefectures; you can access Murodo, the highest point at 2,450 meters above sea level, from either the Nagano or Toyama side by bus, cable car, or ropeway. The 3000-meter-high Tateyama mountain range is right in front of you, and from there, with the proper hiking and riding skills, you can ski the fresh November snow anywhere in the area. On November 30, buses, cable cars, and other transportation systems close for the winter season, and the area opens again in mid-April. The fact that the area is closed during the long and harsh winter months makes it seem even more attractive to skiers.

A big spray of freshly fallen snow. Skier : Kodama Takeshi
During the last week of November, the lodges were already closed, so we had to choose either the Hotel Tateyama in Murodo or stay in tents for the night. We chose to stay in tents because it was easier to move around for the shoot (budget issues had a lot to do with it). We expected tent stagnation due to the inclement weather, and because it was a tent, we could move smoothly from early morning.

Relaxing Lunch.
The first shot was taken with the morning glow in the background, just as the blue-white sky was opening up and gradually turning pink. I used the walkie-talkie to give instructions on the line to slide and then worked on confirming it. The riders showed me quite aggressive riding as if they explored with the energy they stored inside their bodies. It was the start of a great day.

Hike up for afternoon light.
The only way for riders and photographers to get around in the mountains is to put on skis with hill climbing equipment and climb or ski. So we could concentrate on every ride and be surrounded by a comfortable atmosphere. I love this feeling of the atmosphere. Since we started early in the morning, when I looked at the clock after quite a bit of shooting, it was still before 11:00 a.m. The sun was getting higher, so we decided to return to the tent for lunch and a rest. We spent some relaxing time to heal our excitement and pleasant exhaustion from the shooting in the morning. But everyone was confident that we would get a great sunset shot.

Light and shadow, the benefits of solar lighting. Skier : Sasaki Daisuke
After we reset ourselves, we set out for an afternoon of action. Considering where the sun was, we headed for a slope facing a different direction from the one in the morning. It was unbelievably hard to carry heavy photographic equipment on my back and work with aggressive riders. But the moment I pressed the shutter release button, this painful feeling blew away, and my mind was already on to the next shot.

Slip and climb routine. Skier : Sasaki Daisuke
The morning and afternoon tilted sun was the best light, and we moved to match its lighting.
I calculated the position of the sun and the way the spray would rise and released the shutter. The perfect tune with the riders created a work of art. And the day ended with a gorgeous sunset shot. As soon as I finished the shot, my loud voice "Okay!” echoed through the mountains.
We skied down the dimly lit slope with headlamps after the sunset. By the time we reached the tent, it was already dark. But it was warm inside, holding the sun's heat.

Shots with sun position, spray, and shadows calculated

My house(tent) was warm when I arrived there.
Profile: Suganuma Hiroshi
Photographer. One of the best ski photographers in Japan. He is trusted by top skiers, including Olympic athletes, and has done many snow mountain sessions in Japan and abroad. He also features ocean sports, such as surfing, and is active without borders, transcending seasons and fields. hiroshisuganuma.jp