
類縁の一人が、1960年代を駆け抜けて 急逝した天才について語る。
Jimi Hendrix is a revolutionary in the music world.
Do you know that there was a Japanese member of his family?
One of his relatives talks about the genius who died suddenly in the 1960s.
Jimi Hendrix
叔父の家にホームステイすることになったんですが、叔母のハナ はアーティストで型破りな人だったんです。家に着いた早々、コー ヒーを飲みながら彼女が言ったんです。「あなたは聞いたことがな いだろうけれども、実はあなたの親戚に、とても著名なミュージシ ャンがいるのよ」って。「誰?」って軽く返した言葉の後に、彼女の口から飛び出た名前が、何とジミ・ヘンドリックスでした。
もう驚いて、目がぐるぐる回りましたよ。当時は自分のベッドル ームの枕元に彼のポスターを張っていたような存在。「ちょっとア ンティー、取りあえず、私、部屋に入るわ」と言って、スーツケー スを2階に運んでいたんだけど、ショックで階段から落ちちゃうの。それで、前歯が欠けてしまった。あの時代、日系人は黒人と親戚ということは恥だと思っていた。だから、父も親戚もじっと沈黙していたんでしょうね。「いつでも会いに行けるわよ」と言われたけど、その時代は、サンシャイン・アメリカ! あちこちトリップ三昧でそれどころではなかった。
日本に帰国してから、ずっと仕事が忙しくて...。正直、ジミのこ とも記憶の外でしたね。80年代後半、再びシアトルへ行き、ジミの父親、アル・ヘンドリックス宅へ訪ねた際、「ジミがいつ帰ってきてもいいように、用意しているんだよ」と、ジミの部屋を案内してくれて。当時、ジミは亡くなっていたわけだけど、彼のために世界中のファンからさまざまなお悔やみの手紙や、ジミが獲得した賞状とか盾、壁やアルバムが壁にひしめき合ってた。恐縮していたら、「遠慮しないで。親戚じゃないの」って、すごくよくしてくれました。
で、お茶を飲みながら、アルおじさんが「ジミがね、何でいつも羽を頭につけてたか、知ってるかい?」って。ジミのおばあちゃん、 つまり、アルおじさんのお母さんは 100%のチェロキー・インディアンだったんです。チェロキー・インディアンの掟として、ある程度、自意識が生まれたころに一人で森に置いてきて、自分の精霊に出会うようにほったらかしにしておくんですって。確か、アルおじさんはうさぎだったかな。それでアルおじさんも、同じように泣きじゃくる幼いジミを森に置いてきたそうなんですよ。次の日に行ったら、ジミは白いワシに出会ったと。「それなら、お前の守護神はホワイトイーグルだ」って。そこからジミはワシに対して意識がすごく強くなって、多分自分のマスターだったんじゃないのかな。彼が有名になってからも、いつもどこかに羽をつけてたんですよ。後年、私の親類のアンディあやこがアルおじさんと結婚した。ジミは「あやこがママになってくれてありがとう」とうれしがっていたそうです。きっと同じモンゴリアンの血が流れていたからでしょう。「日本で演奏したい」とも言ってたそうです。
話は戻りますが、ジミがもの心ついたころ、アルおじさんは余裕 がなくてクリスマスプレゼントを買ってあげることができなかった。 白人の大家さんの息子さんが飽きたのか、白いフェンダーギターを 捨てていた。で、「うちの息子のために譲ってくれないか」と懇願 して、5ドルで買ったんですって。それがジミとギターの出会いなんですよね。左利きだったから、逆さまの弦をタランタラン鳴らし て、それは喜んでたんだよって。
ジミが 有名になってから、ドラッグや酒に溺れていたとかと言われたけど、実はそうではないと、アルおじさんは断言していました。お酒もそんなに飲まないし、ドラッグでつぶれるような男ではないと。陰謀で彼をすごくサイケデリックで、ぶっ飛んでいる男として象徴する演出をしたい人達がいたと。まあ、女性に対しては、いつも興味はあったみたいですけど(笑)。
毎年、シアトルに行って、ジミのお墓参りをしています。「ハイ、 ジミ。あなたのことを知ってよかった」というのが、私のいつもの メッセージなんです。
Jimi Hendrix
Talk: Eri Kato
My father was a second-generation Japanese American who was naturalized in Japan before World War II. When I graduated from high school, my father told me that I should know my roots, so I went to study in Seattle, his hometown. I stayed with my uncle's family, and my aunt in law, Hana was an artist and quite unusual.
When I arrived their home, she told me drinking coffee, "You may not have heard about it, but I have a relative who is a very famous musician. "Right after I asked her "Who?", the name that came out of her mouth was, to my surprise, Jimi Hendrix! I was so amazed that I even felt dizzy.At that time, I was so into him, and I had a poster of him on the wall in my bedroom.I told her, "Let me go into my room first, auntie.” I tried to calm myself down and carry my suitcase upstairs, but I was so startled that I fell down the stairs. So I chipped my front tooth.
Japanese Americans thought it was a disgrace to be related to blacks in those days. I guess that's why my father and his relatives stayed silent.She told me that I could go and see him anytime I wanted, but those were the days of Sunshine America! I was too preoccupied with traveling from place to place to spend my time meeting him.
After I came back to Japan, I was very busy with work, and to be honest, I didn't even recall Jimi. In the late ‘80's, I went back to Seattle to visit Jimi's father, Al Hendricks, and he showed me around his room and said, "I'm just trying to be prepared for when Jimi comes back.”Of course, Jimi has already passed away. I found his room had condolence letters from his fans in the world, certificates, plaques that Jimi had won, and albums. They were on the wall. When I was nervous to see them, he said, "Don't be shy. We're relatives." I appreciated him being nice to me.Having tea together, Uncle Al said, "Do you know why Jimi always wore a feather on his head?"
Jimi's grandmother, Uncle Al's mother, was 100% Cherokee Indian.The Cherokee Indians have a rule that when a child becomes somewhat self-aware, they leave him or her alone in the forest and leave him or her alone to meet his or her own spirit.Uncle Al was a rabbit, I think. He left a young Jimi in the forest who was crying as well.When he picked up Jimi the next day, he told his father that he encountered a white eagle. So he said to his son,” Your guardian angel must be the white eagle.” Since that day, Jimi had become very conscious of the eagle and probably thought of it as his mentor!
Even after Jimi became famous, he always had a feather on him somewhere. In later years, one of my relatives, Andy Ayako, got married to Uncle Al. Jimi said he was happy that Ayako became his mother.
I'm sure it was because she had the same Mongolian blood as Native Americans. He was so interested in Japan that he wanted to perform in Japan.
Back to the story, when Jimi was young, Uncle Al couldn't afford to buy him a Christmas present. He happened to find the white Fender guitar, which his white landlord's son had gotten bored of, and thrown it away. He begged the landlord to sell it to him for five dollars.That's how Jimi met his first guitar. Al told me that although Jimi was left-handed, he played the strings upside down with great pleasure.After Jimi became very famous, people said that he got arrested for drugs, and he spent his days continuously drinking. Uncle Al said definitely that wasn't the case.He didn’t drink that much, and he was not the kind of guy who would be smashed by drugs. Uncle Al believed that there was a conspiracy to portray Jimi as a psychedelic and crazy man.Well, he was always interested in women though.
Every year, I go to Seattle to visit Jimi's grave. I always talk to him "Hi, Jimi. I'm glad to have known you."
Eri Kato
Born in Tokyo, and lives in Akiya, Shonan. She is involved in the branding and product development of long-established stores as a creative producer,. Her father's sister-in-law, Ayako Andy, is Jimi Hendrix's stepmother.