Michio Hoshino loved the far north.
His works have been loved by many fans
even long after his tragic death.

Michio Hoshino



 数多くの自然写真家がいる中で、星野道夫の作品がとりわけ光り輝いているのはなぜだろうか。 彼がフィルムに残した極限の地の自然、動物、人々の姿は、力強く純粋だ。しかし、どこかにほのかな温もりを感じさせる。かつて星野は『自然写真家という人生』の中で、このように述べている。「自然写真を撮るためにもっとも必要なものは何かと聞かれたら、それは対象に対する深い興味 だと思う」 写真に漂う温かさ。それは星野本人が被写体に向ける眼差しそのものではないだろうか。対象へ の興味と愛情が、作品の輝きを増しているのだろう。

 2020 年に刊行された『新版 悠久の時を旅する The Eternal Journey』のページをめくっていて、 改めてそう感じた。星野道夫という写真家の人生は多分に “ 運 ” が支配している。後に星野の代 名詞ともなるアラスカとの出合いも、運の連鎖だった。1971 年、大学の探検部に入部した星野は、 東京・神田の古本屋街で一冊の本を手にする。北方への漠然とした憧れ を抱いていた青年は、そ こに掲載され ていたエスキモーの村の写真に魅せら れた。そして、その村シシュマレフの村長宛に自分を受け入れてもらいたいと手紙を出したのだ。半年後、村長から返信が届き、3 ヵ月間にわたり滞在することになった。1978 年、アラスカ大学に入学するべく渡米。そこで出会ったさまざまな人々の影響を受けながら、自然写真家としての人生をスタートさせる。以後、アラスカを生活の基盤としながら、写真と執筆を両輪にして活躍。1996 年、カムチャツカ半島にてヒグマ の事故により、急逝。43 年間という短い人生だったが、一人の写真家の軌跡がこの一冊に刻まれ ている。

アルペングロウ ( 山頂光 ) に染まる夕暮れのマッキンレー山 ( デナリ )

 新版は、数多くの写真とエッセイを再録した同名の写真集から8年の歳月を経て、新たに代表作と寄稿文3編が加わった。寄稿文の一つは星野道夫の息子である星野翔馬氏の著だ。星野が他界した時、わずかに1才だったが、父への思いを文に綴っている。夫人・星野直子氏が監修を務めているだけあって、その構成と内容は微に入り細を穿っている。過去、多くの作品を残している星野の業績をふかんするには、最適な一冊だ。 星野道夫の入門書としてはもちろんのこと、未発表作品も収められているので、ファンも改めて楽しめることだろう。

 また、「悠久の時を旅する 」と題した写真展が全国で巡回している。オリジナルのプリントを目にするまたとないチャンスだ。星野道夫の旅の足跡をたどってほしい。




星野道夫 。ロシア、チュコト半島にて。1996年

未発表を含む写真 229 点とエッセイ 32 編を収載した同名の写真集に、新たに代表作と寄稿文 3 編が加わえて 8 年の歳月を経て新版として刊行された。定価:2750 円(税込) 出版社:クレヴィス

Michio Hoshino


  Among the many nature photographers, why is it that Michio Hoshino's work shines so brightly? The images of nature, animals, and people in the extreme places he left on film are powerful and pure. However, there is something faintly warm about it. Hoshino once wrote in his book, A Life as a Nature Photographer.
 "If you were to ask me what is the most important thing you need for nature photography, I would say it is a deep interest in the subject.”
There is a warmth in the photographs. It could be the very gaze that Mr. Hoshino himself had for his subjects. The interest and love for the subject matter probably add to the brilliance of the work.
 I felt that way again when I was flipping through the pages of the new edition of The Eternal Journey, published in 2020. The life of Michio Hoshino, a photographer, was probably dominated by luck. The encounter with Alaska, which would later become synonymous with Hoshino, was also a chain of luck.
In 1971, Hoshino, who had joined the university's expedition club, picked up a book in a used bookstore in Kanda, Tokyo. The young man, who had a vague yearning for the north, was fascinated by the photos of Eskimo villages in the book. He wrote a letter to the mayor of the village of Shishmaref, asking the mayor to let him stay there. Six months later, he received a reply from the village mayor, and he was accepted to stay with them for three months. In 1978, he moved to the United States to attend the University of Alaska. Influenced by the people he met there, he began his life as a nature photographer. Since then, he had been active in photography and writing, making Alaska his base of life. In 1996, he died suddenly in a brown bear accident on the Kamchatka Peninsula. It was a short life, forty-three years. This book is full of one photographer’s journey.

Mt. McKinley (Denali) at dusk in the alpenglow (summit light)

 The new edition is eight years after the photo book of the same title, which has reprinted many of his photographs and essays and includes new masterpieces and three contributed articles. One of the contributions was written by Shoma Hoshino, the son of Michio Hoshino. He was only one year old when Hoshino passed away, but he wrote about his feelings for his father in his sentences. As supervised by Michio’s wife, Naoko Hoshino, the structure and content of the book are very detailed. This is an excellent book to review the achievements of Hoshino, who left many works in the past. The book is not only a good introduction to Michio Hoshino but also contains unpublished works, so fans will be able to enjoy it once again. In addition, a photo exhibition titled " The Eternal Journey" is touring around Japan. This is a unique opportunity to see the prints of his original. I would like you to follow in the footsteps of Michio Hoshino's journey.

A grizzly lurking in the grass

A family of harp seals

Wild strawberry leaves after the first frost

Michio Hoshino In Chukotskiy  Poluostrov, Russia, 1996

This book is a new edition of the photo book of the same title, which contains 229 photographs (including unpublished works) and 32 essays, published after eight years with a new representative work and three contributed articles.List price:2750 yen (including tax)Publisher: Crevis
